5 Recommendations for Teaching Kids How To Swim

Water activities can be super fun and provide loads of experiences, from invigorating to serene. For people who have pools or seek out lakes and rivers to swim in, who live on the coast or who visit water parks, swimming is tantamount to both happiness and safety. Swimming is a dynamic skill and learning how to swim can provide a person with a lifetime full of fun.
Swimming is also a tricky skill to master. There is a lot to learn and it takes lots of practice to become a strong swimmer. Maintaining composure in the water is difficult when swimming isn't second nature. Pool builders in Pensacola often hear about how their clients' children are about to learn how to swim and that the pool is going to become a practice ground.
Instruction can vary depending on age. For kids not yet a year old, there is no need for formal training and it is actually frowned upon. Instead, let them slowly get used to splashing around the new environment. Likewise, it is not advised to have kids under three years old dunking their heads under the water. Teaching kids to swim is a lot of work and might seem overwhelming, but there are some guidelines that you could follow to make the process easier and more efficient.
- Be Patient
Follow this rule from beginning to end. Your patience will yield dividends every time your child runs up against a challenge and hesitates. Remember that they are feeling the uncertainty of performing in the water which could result in bad sensations and they don't need to see any disappointment in your demeanor. It's always important to recognize their comfort level when you're in the water.
- Always Be Present
Little kids might appear to be pretty intrepid once they begin to get used to the water. To them, it could seem like a big adventure, which it is. Their enthusiasm belies their abilities, though, and so you should never be far away from them when they are in the water. Because water accidents can happen with alarming speed, your focus should be on your future swimmers-to-be until they're out of the pool.
- Teach Them To Float
Part of the learning process is an understanding of water displacement. This is a good time to point out that there is a lot of theory going into your lessons that you don't need to verbalize. A toddler doesn't need to understand the concepts so much as to put them into practice. Teaching them to float is actually a study in relaxation. They'll have floaties on, but will still be prone to a little bit of panic. Teaching them that their bodies function best in the water when they are calm and in control is a major foundational step toward success.
- Teach Them Breathing Techniques
Once they have established a kinesthetic relationship with the water, they need to understand how to breathe without getting a belly full of it. Blowing bubbles is a fun way to help them understand how close the water is to their mouths and noses. Pinching their noses shut while holding their breath is another thing to practice. They will, invariably, ingest water, cough it up and freak out a little bit. This is as normal as your own experience. Everybody takes in water accidentally at one point or another. With your gentle assurances that they're okay, they'll get over it quick and you can keep practicing.
- Show and Tell
Among the most important things to remember during this process is that they're looking to you for every bit of information. Show them what to do as many times as it takes for them to begin trying on their own. Tell them what they are doing right and wrong. The more show and tell you integrate into your practices, the more efficient they will be.
Teaching kids to swim offers them more than the kinesthetic knowledge of different strokes. It gives them confidence and teaches them about process. It can also be a powerful bonding experience and provide priceless memories.