5 Tips for Helping Your Children in College

5 Tips for Helping Your Children in CollegeIf your child is about to start college, you are likely feeling a lot of emotions. You may be sad that they are moving out on their own, but you are also proud of them and their accomplishments. You may think that your child does not need you anymore, but this is far from the truth. There are many things that you can do to help your child succeed in college. While you must let them have some independence, you also need to show your support and offer guidance when needed. 1. Help Them Apply for CollegeHelping your child in college begins before they even get there. You should offer your help with applications. Help them choose which college is right for them. Go with your child to tours of different schools, discuss their plans for their major, and help fill out any necessary applications. If they have to write an essay, help them edit it or find someone who can. Your child needs your support throughout the entire process. Choosing a college and career are important life decisions, and they need to know that you are there to help. 2. Assist Them With Loan ApplicationsApplying for student loans can be a daunting task, and if your child is dreading it, ease the burden by helping them. You can help them decide how much money they need each semester and which loans they need. You should set up a meeting with the school’s financial aid department so you and your child can discuss options for paying for school. Offer your child guidance on how to spend money well throughout the college years so that they can keep debt to a minimum. This way, they can be off to a better financial start in life. 3. Go to Move-in DayIf your child wants you to be there on move-in day, make sure you show up. Depending on the amount of stuff, you may need to take two vehicles to the school. Help them get their dorm room looking its best, and go shopping for any last-minute supplies with them. Move-in day can be valuable bonding time, so do not let it pass by. Try to put on a brave front for your child; they are likely feeling nervous. Your confidence during this time will help them feel more at ease. 4. Send Care PackagesThroughout the semester, take time to send your child care packages. They will be happy to get some treats from home. Include a letter with anecdotes about the rest of the family. Pack their favorite snacks, and send any other supplies you think they might need. This small gesture can help your child feel more at ease at school. It shows that you still care and will always be there to support them. Always ask if there is anything that they need and supply it as quickly as you can. 5. Call OftenTechnology has made keeping in touch with family members more convenient than ever. Even if your child is in another city or state, you can still keep up with their lives. The two of you can schedule weekly calls or FaceTime meetings. Find a time that works for both of your schedules. This way, you can relax and enjoy your time conversing. You can get the whole family to take turns talking to your child so that they can keep up with everyone. Just make sure that you plan for these calls so that your child does not feel that you are invading their privacy. Your parenting role certainly changes when your child moves to college, but it is essential to stay connected. Although they have moved away from home, they still need your care and support. Remind them often how proud you are of their accomplishments, and plan visits when you can. When you follow these simple tips, you can nurture your relationship with your adult child. |