5 Tips To Get Back In Shape After Pregnancy

Congratulations on the delivery of your little one! While pregnancy and childbirth can be a beautiful experience, they can also take a toll on your body. Most women gain a few pounds over a span of months. Others may experience changes in their hip width, breast shape, and shoe size. These changes are normal when your body is growing a baby inside.

Once you've given birth, your body will begin to heal and get back to how it used to be. But some women struggle to get back in shape again. Don't worry; there are many ways to get back on track and feel great after pregnancy.

This article will show you some tips and advice on how to get back in shape after pregnancy. Whether you're a new or experienced mom, you can achieve your fitness goals with the right mindset, support, and guidance.

  • Set Realistic Goals

Before you start any exercise or follow a specific diet, make sure to set realistic goals for yourself first. After childbirth, your body has undergone a significant physical and emotional transformation, and setting realistic goals will help you approach your fitness goals with a flexible mindset.

According to A Life In Progress, a wellness blog, one of the primary reasons people struggle to stick to their fitness routine or maintain a healthy lifestyle is due to instant gratification. Instant gratification refers to the desire or tendency to forego a future benefit for immediate satisfaction.

For example, instead of preparing or cooking healthy meals, you choose to take out food from a fast-food restaurant because it's quicker and less hassle. Sure, the convenience of having instant food is there, but it can create a problem in training your mind, and soon, you may struggle to develop healthy habits, hindering your goal to get back in shape.

By setting realistic goals, you can overcome instant gratification and make more mindful decisions that support your long-term fitness goals. It also makes it easier for you to celebrate small successes. It would help to break down your large goals into small, achievable steps, track your progress, and celebrate each milestone you reach. This keeps you motivated and helps avoid burnout, which is particularly important since you recently gave birth and likely have a lot on your plate.

  • Make Time For Exercise

Engaging in physical activity may help you lose baby weight and return to your pre-pregnancy fitness level. But besides helping you get back in shape, exercise may help make you more fit to care for your baby. According to Mayo Clinic, exercising can give mothers the energy to care for their babies and improve their overall health. Additionally, regular exercise can help reduce the risk of postpartum depression, which is often common after giving birth.

Before you start any exercise routine, it's best to consult your healthcare provider first and wait for their approval. They need to ensure that your body has had enough time to heal after childbirth. Some women may require more time than others to recover. Once your healthcare provider has permitted you, you may start with low-impact exercises such as walking or yoga and gradually increase the duration and intensity.

You should also complement exercising with routine health checkups with your doctors to ensure that you're on top of your health. If you don't have doctors yet, you can always search for terms like best cosmetic dentistry tallahassee or "physicians near me" on the internet to find one.

  • Strive To Eat A Balanced Diet

While pregnant, you may have indulged in your cravings without worrying about the consequences. However, after giving birth, it's essential to establish healthy eating habits to improve your metabolism and control cravings.

To do this, focus on consuming smaller, balanced meals throughout the day. Small meals may help stabilize blood sugar levels and help avoid overeating. Additionally, ensure you don't skip breakfast, as it can jump-start your metabolism and provide the energy you need to start your day.

Incorporating good protein sources may also help control hunger and make you feel full for longer periods. Consider adding extra fiber (e.g., fruits, whole grains, veggies) to your meals to help you feel fuller without adding extra calories.

  • Aim For Sufficient Sleep Each Night

Getting adequate sleep is crucial for postpartum weight loss. WebMD states that people with poor sleep tend to overeat and consume bigger food portions, resulting in weight gain. Thus, mothers like you should aim to get enough quality sleep to aid your weight loss efforts.

So, how much sleep should you get? If possible, aim for 7-9 hours each night. If it's challenging to get continuous sleep due to other responsibilities or breastfeeding at night, aim for at least 6 hours per night until those things change. It's essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

  • Maintain A Low-Stress Lifestyle

Stress is among the most common reasons people don't get back into shape after pregnancy. The increased cortisol levels may result in weight gain and other health issues. So how do you avoid stress?

First, make sure you're taking time for yourself, even for just an hour every day or so, when you do something relaxing. If possible, try taking some deep breaths before meals to calm your gut and improve digestion. And finally, talk with friends about what's going on in their lives instead of focusing solely on yourself.

Wrap Up

Getting back in shape after pregnancy requires patience, dedication, and a focus on healthy habits. By setting realistic goals, exercising, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding stress, you can achieve your fitness goals and feel your best post-pregnancy. With perseverance and the right mindset, you'll be well on your way to regaining your pre-pregnancy shape and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for you and your baby.