5 Ways To Understand why new Mothers Need Sleep
Becoming a new parent means you are in for a world of new thrills and excitement. You now have the joy of helping your child develop throughout their life. But, along with the trials of stimulation, feeding, sleeping and navigating your baby's sleep schedule, it is one of your most formidable obstacles during the early weeks. Unfortunately, this is especially challenging for new mothers working on very little sleep, causing stress and frustration. Here are a few ways to help you understand the importance of getting the sleep you need.
- Sleep Deprivation and Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding mothers notice changes in their sleeping patterns due to being a new parent. Surprisingly, breastfed newborns have a higher chance of waking in the night than formula-fed babies. Furthermore, breastfed babies wake up easier than formula-fed newborns. As a result, mothers who breastfeed their babies were awake more throughout the night.
It is common for new mothers to fall asleep during feedings, especially at night. If you notice you or your infant is especially tired, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using an adult bed as the safest place to nurse. They also say mothers breastfeeding their babies should do so in an environment free of risks and potentially dangerous objects.
- Sleep Deprivation and Postpartum Depression
There is approximately 13 percent of new moms suffering from postpartum depression. Consulting your physician if you experience signs of postpartum depression is ideal since it helps get the proper treatment. For example, your healthcare provider might recommend therapy, medication or a support group to aid your symptoms. However, suppose you have a baby later on in life. In that case, there is a possibility you suffer from not only post-partum depression but the pre-side effects of menopause and sleep deprivation.
- Sleep Deprivation and Its Effects
Falling and staying asleep is a challenge for new mothers due to wakings and feedings, along with the stress of having a new child, making sleep deprivation inevitable. In addition, the lack of sleep harms your happiness, health and even longevity. Here are a some of the repercussions of sleep deprivation new mothers should be aware of:
- Irritability from lack of sleep causes anxiety, making you more likely to lash out at the ones you love.
- Depression is another unfortunate side effect of lack of sleep. Without an efficient amount of sleep, you risk negative moods, causing anxiety and depression.
- Injuries and accidentsoccur as a result of losing too much sleep. When you are overly tired, your reaction time is slower, making staying away from driving a good idea.
Sleep deprivation has significant consequences. So make sure you take the time to rest when the opportunity presents itself.
- Sleep Deprivation While Parenting
Sleep deprivation has a detrimental influence on positive parenting. Being sensitive and kind to your child is essential for positive parenting. Yet, according to a preliminary study, guardians who sleep less have greater stress levels. And the inability to regulate emotions links to higher stress levels. This challenge explains why mothers receiving fragmented sleep have negative parenting skills within the hour leading to their child's bedtime.
- Trading Sleep Deprivation for Effecentient Sleep
It sounds like a cliche, but sleeping when your baby sleeps is a great way to catch a few naps during the day. You need naps, but you also need a relaxing atmosphere when you get ready for bed. A quiet, dark room is ideal for you and your baby. Another step in adding more sleep into your schedule is sleep training.
There are several ways to get the sleep you desire and need when dealing with sleep deprivation. First, start with something simple that is an easy transition into your schedule. Implementing these steps means a more rested, pleasant you.