6 Tips for More Effective Parenting

Raising children is one of, if not the most fulfilling job in the world. It’s also one of the most challenging, and often frustrating, activities you will ever undertake—all the more so because you're learning as you go. Nobody enters parenting knowing exactly how to deal with everything that comes their way. However, the best parents are constantly looking for ways to improve.
Continue reading for a list of things you can do right now to become a better parent to your children.
Spend More Quality Time with Your Kids
Life can be incredibly hectic at times. Getting parents and children together for a family meal, let alone spending quality time together, is often difficult. However, when children do not receive the attention they need or want from their parents, they frequently act out or misbehave to be noticed.
Whenever possible, prepare and eat meals with your kids. If you're pressed for time, choose simple meals that require minimal preparation and take a few minutes to chat with your children. Set a special night each week for family time and involve your children in the decision-making process.
Remember to turn off technology when spending time with your children. Do not read text messages, scroll through social media, or watch television.
Communicate with Your Kids
Make it a priority to communicate with your children. Listen to them and understand their hopes, anxieties, and fears—whether it's acing a school project, being excluded from a group, or even a fear of the dark. When you show your kids that you are genuinely interested in what they think, feel, and do, you demonstrate your love for them.
Your daughter might even be anxious about having that first period talk with you. Start the conversation, and share your own experiences when you had your first period to make her feel more at ease. Encourage her to ask any questions she may have and provide clear answers.
Effective communication builds an environment of understanding and trust. When you and your children understand and trust one another, you will be better able to work together to support their well-being and development.
Build Your Kids’ Self-Esteem
Children who are confident in themselves are willing to try new things. They are more likely to give their all and be proud of their accomplishments. Additionally, self-esteem enables children to cope with and learn from their mistakes.
Taking a step back and letting your children do things on their own will help them feel capable and strong. Praise accomplishments, big or small, but be careful not to overpraise. Avoid praising solely based on results, and instead praise your children's effort, attitude, and progress.
Belittling remarks or making unfavorable comparisons between children, on the other hand, will make them feel terrible. Choose your words carefully and demonstrate compassion.
Set Limits and Be Consistent with Discipline
Every household requires discipline. Discipline is aimed to help children choose appropriate behaviors and learn self-control. Your children may test the limits you set for them, but they require those boundaries to help them grow into responsible adults.
Establishing house rules teaches children about your expectations and helps them develop self-restraint. For instance, if you're returning from a long summer break, your children may be dreading the day they have to get up early and go to school. Ease into a back-to-school routine with some rules, such as reducing screen time and keeping a healthy bedtime schedule.
Moreover, you must ensure that your discipline is consistent. One of the most common mistakes parents make is a failure to enforce consequences. Consistency is demonstrated by a clear set of limits and boundaries that provide structure for children and teach them how to behave.
Be Flexible
Occasionally, parents struggle with having unrealistic expectations and goals for their children and themselves. When this occurs, parenting can become stressful and overwhelming. If you find yourself often feeling this way, you may need to be more flexible with yourself, your children, and your parenting style.
Keep track of your child's progress and development. Consider how your child's age may influence his or her behavior. For example, while your toddler's "no" stage may be frustrating, it is also a healthy, significant developmental milestone and frequently a way for your child to demonstrate independence. Similarly, the same intellectual growth spurt that makes your teenager interested and inquisitive in the classroom can also make him or her emotional and argumentative at home.
Adapt your parenting style to the needs of your child. Stay calm and pick your battles. Rather than fixating on every minor detail of your child's behavior that frustrates you, let the small things go.
Be a Good Role Model
Young children pick up a great deal about how to act by watching their parents. And they will try to copy your actions, not your words.
Demonstrate the qualities you want to instill in your children: respect, honesty, patience, and kindness. Demonstrate selflessness. Perform acts of kindness for others without expecting any favor in return. Above all, treat your children the way you would want others to treat you.
Final Thoughts: Don’t Be Perfect, Be Present
Know the difference between being a good parent and being a perfectionist. While it's important to work on your parenting skills and strive to be a better parent, don't be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes. Simply own up to your mistakes, make things right, and move on. Focus on being there for your kids, setting boundaries and rules, and showing them your love for them is unconditional.
Kat Sarmiento