Four tips for giving up alcohol while pregnant

During pregnancy we all know it’s best to give up alcohol until the baby is born. It’s something that’s well known within society. But of course, it’s not quite as simple as that is it? After all, alcohol is an addictive substance.


Many women struggle to give up booze in the early stages of pregnancy, and many indeed realise they have a problem, struggling to get through the alcohol detox process and into a sober nine months. That’s not surprising, after all it’s believed that women are the fastest growing population of alcohol users, while one in 10 women between 18 and 25 have an alcohol use disorder. 


But what exactly can be done about giving up alcohol while pregnant if you do think it’s going to be difficult? 

Educate Yourself on the Risks

Firstly, understand the risks and what it could do to your baby. It’s one of the more sobering things you can do and will allow you to make informed decisions. By realising that your baby could develop fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, low birth weights, premature birth and developmental delays you can try and reinforce your commitment to growing a healthy baby and be more determined in your approach to giving up alcohol.

Seek Support and Guidance

The best option for you if you are struggling or do believe you have a problem is to seek support from healthcare professionals. It's so, so vital to your baby’s health.