The Causes and Solution of Breast Asymmetry

The Breasts are one of the parts of a woman's body that play an integral role in shaping body image and confidence. However, it is common for many women to experience differences in the size, shape, and position of their breasts, a condition well-known as breast asymmetry. 

In this article, we'll learn more about breast asymmetry, its causes, and the possible treatment options. 

What is Breast Asymmetry?

Also known as uneven breasts, breast asymmetry is a condition in which one breast is different in shape and size. About 80% of women have some degree of breast asymmetry, and indeed, it is not something of concern. 

However, notable asymmetrical breast density or size may adversely affect the body image. It can also attract higher chances of breast cancer. Here are the classifications of breast asymmetry.

  • Anisomastia: Huge difference in size and volume of the breasts.
  • Anisothelia: Variations between areolas and nipples. 
  • Combined Asymmetry: Blends conditions of anisothelia and anosomastia. 

1) Causes of Breast Asymmetry

In most cases, primary breast asymmetry has various possible causes, including breast conditions, hormonal problems, injury, developmental problems, unknown syndrome, pregnancy or breastfeeding. 

One commonly asked question is: Can menopause cause breast asymmetry? Well, yes, menopause can alter the breast by changing the hormonal balance. For a woman with falling estrogen levels, the amount of fatty tissue may be reduced or dispersed unevenly within the breasts, creating asymmetry. 

2) Symptoms of Breast Asymmetry

The symptoms that accompany breast asymmetry include:

  • Challenges in finding fitting clothes.
  • Change in the size and shape of the breasts.
  • Scoliosis
  • Impaired body image. 

3) How is Breast Asymmetry Prevented?

Breast asymmetry usually starts appearing immediately during puberty. Regrettably, the issue cannot be prevented. However, in exceptional cases where it is a secondary effect of a growth disorder, it can be treated if diagnosed early. 

For other normal breast asymmetry, you can invest in the best bras for uneven breasts and enhance your self-esteem and confidence. 

4) What are the Breast Asymmetry Treatment Options?

Although the breast asymmetry is entirely harmless, many women across the globe still find ways on how to fix uneven boobs. This is due to a lack of self-confidence or physical discomfort. If you're among those looking for treatment options, you can try the following. 

  • Plastic Surgery: This is one of the standard options most women undergo to correct the breast asymmetry issue. It can be adding implants to both breasts until they appear the same size. Alternatively, it can be reducing the bigger breast via surgical procedure to match the other one. 
  • Aesthetic Procedures: This typically involves fat transfer or Mastopexy. In the fat transfer option, the fat is harvested from the patient thighs or abdomen to fix the smaller breast. For Mastopexy, a breast lift helps to reshape or raise the sagging or drooping breast. 
  • Reconstructive Surgery: If the breast asymmetry is caused by injury, a congenital condition, or something related, reconstruction surgery is the ideal option. Usually, this encompasses rebuilding the breast via tissues or implants from other parts of the patient's body. 

Final Words

To wrap up, breast asymmetry is a condition that should not bother you that much. It is normal, and most women experience it. If the condition bothers you, consider plastic surgery, aesthetic procedures, or reconstruction. If you don't want to go through either of these treatment options, we advise you to bras specially designed for asymmetric breasts. 

Breast Asymmetry: FAQs

a) Should I worry about asymmetry in my breast?

You shouldn't worry if you have asymmetry in your breast. Note that over 80% of women across the world have some degree of breast asymmetry. However, you need to remember that relatively huge asymmetry can lead to a higher cause of breast cancer.

b) Can breast asymmetry be temporary?

Breast asymmetry may appear to be permanent. However, this is only sometimes the case, as effective ways exist to address it. These include non-surgical operations and surgical procedures. 

c) Does breast asymmetry fix itself?

Yes. Usually, breasts become the same size over time. So, there is no need to find ways to fix the issue. But if you want to enhance your self-esteem and confidence, you can undergo surgical treatments.