Monthly Archives: April 2022
Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It's all-consuming, wonderful, and stressful all at once. However, if you're not taking good care of yourself, chances are you're not able to give your best to those who depend on you the most.
Posted: April 21, 2022
School is out for three months. The daylight stretches deep into the evening. And chances are, the kids are getting bored by the time the first week of summer vacation is over. If you want to spend plenty of time with family this summer and ensure that everyone keeps healthy and active, you'll need plenty of activities to try.
Posted: April 20, 2022
Playing involves so much more than just having fun. It’s an essential activity for kids to have a healthy development. As parents, you can adapt any space at home and design a playroom where your kids can explore, get creative, and learn. We asked experts for their tips and input on how to create the perfect playroom for your kids at home.
Posted: April 20, 2022Categories: Family Health
Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience. After all, before having a child of your own, you basically only have to worry about yourself. But now the entire game has changed forever.
Posted: April 18, 2022Categories: Finances
Having a baby is a daunting task, especially if it's your first one. Whether you adopt or are having one yourself, you are now in charge of keeping a little human alive, caring for it every day and helping to shape it so it grows into a happy, independent, well-adjusted adult. No pressure, right?
Posted: April 14, 2022
Kids and activities go together perfectly. They always have. That's why providing your child with opportunities to engage in them is so important. One of the most common times to do this is after school.
Did you know teens spend up to 9 hours a day on their phones? Younger kids are watching countless hours of Youtube videos on tablets. The internet is an excellent tool, but it can also be full of dangers.
Posted: April 11, 2022
It's well-known that the capacity of children to read is vital to their performance at work, at school, and everywhere else. It is possible to ensure your child's success by reading to them from a child's age. Continue reading to find out more about the benefits of reading to your children and how it can benefit young children in the coming years.
Posted: April 05, 2022Categories: Finances
Many new parents find themselves in a pinch once the new family members arrive. It could be due to unforeseen circumstances or simply poor planning. This can lead to a need to downsize, cutting back on certain guilty pleasures, or turning to extended families for hand-me-downs. Even if you need to save money or cut back on certain things, you can still create a plan that will quickly become second nature. It also does not mean that you have to give up everything that makes you happy. A good balance will help you feel more confident about your finances while still enjoying a guilty pleasure or two. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed—we’ve got you covered. Follow our money-saving ideas for new parents and breathe a sigh of relief.
1. Create a Budget and Stick to It
New parents quickly realize how expensive it is to take care of an infant. Think diapers, formula, and visits to the pediatrician. These few things are only the tip of the iceberg, and
Many parents find themselves with children crawling into bed with them every night. If it's time to get your child sleeping all night in his own room and loving it, here are a few helpful tips for making that so.