Mental Health
Posted: June 13, 2023
The community needs to know what they're up against, so they can protect their health better. Within the healthcare sector, you play a pivotal role in communicating these public health risks and preventative guidelines from which the public can benefit.
Posted: June 06, 2023Categories: Mental Health
Adolescence is a period of significant growth and change, both physically and emotionally. During this time, teenagers may experience a wide range of emotions and face various challenges. While it is normal for teens to have ups and downs, it is important for parents, educators, and caregivers to be aware of the signs that may indicate a teen is struggling with mental health issues. In this article, we will explore some common signs that your teenager may be facing mental health challenges and discuss the importance of early intervention and support.
Posted: June 03, 2023
Welcoming a baby into the world is a joyous and transformative experience for any parent. From the first cry to the first smile, every milestone fills parents' hearts with overwhelming love and happiness. As parents, we strive to provide the best care and nurture our little ones to ensure their well-being and happiness. However, amid this journey, we often forget that our emotional well-being plays a significant role in shaping our babies' development. In this blog post, we will explore why parents' emotional well-being is crucial for nurturing happy babies and how it impacts their growth and overall happiness.
Posted: May 10, 2023
The capacity of the brain to reason, think, and recall is impacted by dementia, a degenerative neurological condition. It can considerably impact a person's everyday life, making it difficult for them to do even the most elementary chores. To support and make sure that your loved one receives the care they require, you, as the caregiver, play a crucial role.
Posted: May 01, 2023
Teenagers can be hard to live with and look after. Unfortunately, parents have no choice other than to be there for their children and ensure they are given stable and comfortable upbringings. If parents don’t intervene early (and begin addressing problem behaviors) then things could spiral out of control and their teenage children could end up getting themselves into serious trouble. Studies suggest that if teenagers do not correct their behavior by a certain age they have a higher chance of committing crimes and other acts that could permanently damage their lives.
Posted: April 05, 2023Categories: Mental Health
Postpartum depression is a common mental health condition experienced by many women after giving birth. It is a type of depression that can occur within the first few weeks or months after childbirth, and can be characterized by feelings of sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness.
Posted: March 14, 2023
With the ever-increasing demands of school and extracurricular activities, kids must stay on top of their game to excel. A critical factor to success is having a sharp memory. As parents, it's our job to help our children hone their memory skills so they can keep up with the challenges life throws their way. Here are ways parents can help sharpen their child's memory and provide them with a foundation for lifelong learning. Any parent wants their children to succeed but it is u p to them to give them the necessary foundation to do exactly that.
Posted: February 27, 2023Categories: Mental Health
It is no secret that parents significantly influence their child's development from birth and beyond. But when it comes to one of the most important aspects of life—mental health—there is an even greater responsibility for parents to ensure the emotional well-being of their children.
Posted: February 27, 2023Categories: Mental Health
Being a parent with a mental health condition can sometimes cause feelings of guilt and isolation. You may worry that your mental illness will make you an unfit parent or feel unsure about how you manage parenting and your condition simultaneously.
Posted: February 23, 2023
Nothing beats the excitement of becoming a new mother. It's something that many women look forward to. But once there, things can get pretty chaotic fast. This chaos could lead to a new mother's mental health deterioration. And it's common to see a new mom hiding in a closet crying or succumbing to substance abuse. Hello, postpartum depression.