5 Ways To Become A Better Parent | Woombie

Parenting doesn’t have a formula, nor is it an exact science. Therefore, the moment you become a parent or guardian, there’s always something to learn daily. Additionally, one parent’s way of raising their kids doesn’t necessarily mean the same should apply to yours.
You may want your children to grow and become responsible adults. This doesn’t mean they have to be like your neighbors. Therefore, you have to find what works for you and your kids. Children absorb and learn from what’s around them as they grow. And they’ll also adopt a particular behavior from observation and how you treat them. For instance, overprotective parents create barriers to a child’s emotional growth. Hence, such a child might have difficulties forming healthy relationships later in life.
Knowing where healthy parental protection stops can be blurry. But the following ways below can help you become a better parent.
- Practice Good And Healthy Communication
As an adult, you must create an environment that promotes healthy communication. Effective communication goes both ways. Therefore, if you want your child to listen to you, you must also be available to listen to them attentively.
How you communicate with your kids can affect how they interact with you or others outside the family. Language and tone of delivery are essential in this case. For instance, the child might be running in the house, and you want them to walk instead. Instead of using negative words like ‘no, don’t, and stop,’ you can incorporate positive triggers such as please walk. It would also be best to elaborate on why you prefer them to walk instead of running.
Furthermore, children will have several questions every day. Sometimes the same questions but framed differently. As a parent, it’s vital to learn to listen and answer them. This can help create reciprocity. They can also learn to listen and answer genuinely. Hence, it can help promote their communication skills.
Sometimes, the children only have stories. Learn to listen to them. Ask questions occasionally to let them know you’re actually listening and not just physically present. Creating a healthy communication environment with your kids can help build trust. They can realize that they can speak to you about anything, and you’ll be there to listen.
- Learn To Follow Through
Once in a while, you might promise a trip to the zoo or the local swimming pool. However, you may forget or decide to postpone due to various reasons. Alternatively, you might promise to come home early before their bedtime or attend their school match.
So, following through on such promises is crucial. If you have to postpone, notify them. However, this shouldn’t be a regular thing. The reason is that you might create mistrust and can lead them not to believe you the next time you make a promise.
- Be Firm But Fair Consistently
Kids will always be kids. Thus, you’ll have disciplinary situations more often than not. The key will be establishing limits and being consistent in your corrective actions. The limits can help them learn about self-control and responsibility. Discipline can help them learn about acceptable behaviors and the consequences of breaking them.
For instance, it’s crucial to have a consistent daily bedtime. Additionally, you can also manage TV time by setting a rule. Other rules you can establish can be no name-calling and no curse words. It’s, however, key that you don’t break these rules yourself.
The discipline you administer should also be consistent. For instance, giving a time-out for cursing, then overlooking it the next time. Such inconsistency can portray a lack of seriousness in your rules and expectations. Therefore, always be consistent on what you expect from the kids and the consequences of breaking the rules.
- Be The Role Model
Children are perceptive. They learn non-verbal communication and behaviors from their surroundings. Therefore, it would be crucial to be the one to set the behavior and traits you want to see in your kids. You shouldn’t be the parent that tells your children what to do; walking the talk would also be vital.
There are times you’ll have moments of anger. Henceforth, how you control and behave in such situations can determine your child’s behavior. Some studies show that kids who witness aggression at home can be prone to hitting other kids. Therefore, learn to display the best character traits you want from your kids.
Such attributes as honesty, tolerance, friendliness, and respect should come from you first. Other traits like accepting people who have different views than yours can also help teach your kid to be mindful of others. Let them know there’s no definite approach to life, and they won’t always be correct. Overall, let your kids learn the best from you.
- Let Them Be Creative
Creativity helps develop independence and also boosts self-esteem. Your kid’s imagination and expression can come through activities like dancing, drawing, or singing. Therefore, when they show particular interest in an activity, let them pursue it and offer the necessary support.
Being a parent is a full-time job. So, take some time to unwind. And let the kids know that it’s okay to take time for yourself. Furthermore, parenting means raising your kids to become adults with moral values and good standing.
Focus on the basics, and let your children learn the best from you!