6 School Year Health Tips

At the beginning of every school year, parents across the country search for ways to stop the "back-to-school-ick" or the illnesses which seem to follow kids home during the first few months in the classroom. While you cannot stop every illness at the threshold of your home, there is a lot you can do to minimize the number of sick days for your family and increase the overall health and wellbeing of loved ones.
Feed Your Immune System
Your immune system needs the right fuel to function like all bodily systems. This fuel comes from proper hydration, healthy meals and snacks, and the right nutritional building blocks. You can find many of these building blocks in the foods you provide for your family, but it is a good idea to fill any gaps with the right supplements. Some of the best immune system nutrition can come from the best vitamin D supplement designed for the age groups in your family. Not only does vitamin D boost the immune system, but it can help your body absorb calcium, build muscle and fight back seasonal depression.
Update Your Vaccines (If you are pro!)
You may be required to show the school a vaccination record for each child before classes start, but having a fully updated card for your kids is only part of this health and safety tip. You will also want to update your vaccines and other adults in the household. Once you graduate high school, reminders to get tetanus or whooping cough boosters are few and far between, making it easier for you to pass illnesses to those too young or medically unable to vaccinate.
This dentist who does dental bridges and Zoom teeth whitening in Redwood City CA also recommends getting your kids checked up by medical experts regularly. This will ensure that their health is always in good condition.
Practice Proper Hygiene
The cleanliness of your body, clothes and home have more to do with catching illnesses than you may think. Not only can you pass germs by not washing your hands properly, but you can also lower your immune system and more easily get sick if dust mites and mold are allowed to thrive in your home. Practicing proper hygiene with your children is not generally the most fun activity, especially when trying to teach them how to clean. You can find age-appropriate games and chore challenges to help make it fun for all involved.
Establish Healthy Sleep Routines
Healthy sleep routines will look different for every member of your family, especially if you have a mix of infants, children, teens and adults in the household. You can establish healthy sleep routines for the school year by starting to shift bedtimes a month or so in advance and determining this bedtime by figuring out what time your family needs to be awake to be on time for school and then backing up about eight hours. For instance, if you need to be up by five for your day, you should set a bedtime no later than nine.
Connect WIth Your Kids
Connecting with your kids will help you keep track of the stress and anxiety levels about peers, schoolwork and safety concerns. Connecting means regular communication about those things, but it also means practicing active listening. Sometimes a child not wanting to go to school is more about his or her classmates than the classwork, but not everyone knows how to communicate these types of feelings.
Stay Active and Reduce Screen Time
Proper nutrition and exercise help boost your immune system better than sugary snacks and sitting in front of a screen. You can find recommendations for screen time limits from your pediatrician or online from various sources. Still, these limits may not reflect how many hours of computer or tablet time your child has at school. Encourage activities at home that keep you and your kids moving, such as dance parties for good grades, backyard games with the family, and even chores. Remember to practice safety with your activities by staying hydrated, keeping an eye on the temperature and using helmets and pads when recommended.
Sometimes, it seems like you are fighting against colds and other illnesses as soon as your kids start school, following them home each day. To be proactive in this fight, you can provide healthy snacks, set good bedtime routines and encourage active play.