How to Prepare Yourself and Your Lives for Your New Baby

Whether you already have a child or this is your first baby, a newborn is an exciting and scary prospect. While you’ll probably never feel completely prepared, there are a few things you can put in place to make your life easier and less stressful now and when your baby comes home.

So, here are a few ways you can make sure that you’re prepared for your newborn.

Preparing Your Body

The first thing you need to think about is your body and your health. Whether you’re pregnant already or you’re trying for a baby, good health will help you and your baby. Some women do develop health problems while pregnant, but most people experience a relatively enjoyable pregnancy.

You should seek out obstetrical care as soon as possible. This will make sure that you’re as healthy as you can be while you’re carrying your child. If you do have any concerns about your pregnancy, you can speak to your doctor and they will check you out accordingly.

If possible, try to eat properly and stay as fit and active as you can. If you have a good fitness routine already, you don’t have to stop because you’re pregnant. Listen to your body. Some women are more tired than others, so don’t compare yourself to every pregnant person you know.

Preparing a Nursery

Your baby might already have a place in your body and your heart, but do they have a place in your home? The nursery is where your baby will sleep and spend a lot of their early time, so it pays to make sure it’s ready for baby.

First, get it decorated. You don’t want to try painting a room with a newborn in it, so get this done before the baby arrives. If you’re pregnant, it’s best not to paint it yourself so you can minimize your exposure to paint fumes.

Then you can build your furniture and make sure it’s all laid out for your baby. Nobody wants to be up all night building a crib while you have the baby with you, even if they’re sleeping in your room to start with. The more prepared you are, the less you will have to do when you’re sleep deprived.

Preparing Your Lives

Speaking of which, you are going to be sleep deprived. Life with a newborn is wonderful, but it’s hard. So make things easier for your future self by prepping some freezer meals and making it so you don’t have to cook while getting used to your new way of life.

Now is the time to talk to family members and friends about potential babysitting times, so you can still have some time together as a couple even when your baby is around. 

If people offer to help in other ways, take them up on it. Always be grateful for the help people offer and remember that it sometimes does take a village to raise a child, but remember to have some boundaries as well.