How To Get Your Groove Back As A New Mom

Whether you’re experiencing the joy of welcoming your first child into the world or introducing your firstborn to their siblings, there’s no denying that this is an incredibly exciting and magical time in your life.

However, it may also be a time when your confidence is at its lowest. Whether this is triggered by feelings of mom guilt or hormonal changes, it is important to note that there are many steps that you can follow to get your groove back as a new mom - and here are just a few examples! 


Make time for YOURSELF.

While the majority of your time right now will be dedicated to caring for and bonding with your newborn, it is important to remember that you cannot neglect your own needs. After all, doing so will impact not only your confidence but your physical and mental health, too! 


While you may feel as though there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to have any time for yourself, even ten minutes of self-care here and there can really make a difference. For example, you could use this time to put on a face mask or complete your skincare routine, helping to restore your natural, healthy glow. Alternatively, you could call a friend or read a chapter of a book. Either way, the more time you’re able to dedicate to your wellness, the more confident you will begin to feel. 


Develop an efficient morning and evening routine.

While it is difficult (read: impossible) to stick to a consistent routine when caring for a newborn, putting together an efficient morning (and evening) self-care routine for yourself is essential. This way, you can complete it quickly when you have the time and aren’t left feeling as though you look as though you’ve just got out of bed for the entire day.


When curating your routine, try to do plenty of research into your beauty and hair regime so that you can get the results you crave in record time. For example, you may want to start by learning about the difference between loose curls vs waves so that you can care for your hair in the most appropriate way. 


Talk about how you are feeling.

One of the easiest ways to deal with the emotional onslaught of childbirth and caring for a newborn is to talk openly and honestly about how you are feeling. However, while new parents are quick to talk about the many joys of parenting, the downside is something they often keep to themselves. Not only does this allow negative emotions to worsen, but it also creates a certain sense of stigma that prevents people from talking out.


If this is something that you can relate to, know that you are not alone in feeling this way and that there is always somebody you can talk to. For example, if you find it difficult to open up to your partner, friends or family, you could contact a therapist or counsellor instead. CFHP psychology in Brisbane have a team of therapists that can create a space for open and honest conversations about how you are feeling, and provide you with crucial coping mechanisms that help you to be a happier mom moving forward.


Stop comparing yourself to other parents.

When it comes to tackling anxiety and improving your confidence as a new parent, it is vital that you stop comparing yourself to others. Each and every child is different, which means that each and every parent needs to take a different approach to their care. Furthermore, just because one parenting tactic works for a friend or mom-fluencers child does not mean it will work for your own - and you’re not a bad mom if this is the case. 


Pick up new hobbies.

While you may have limited time on your hands, picking up new hobbies is another great way to get your groove back as a new mom. This is because it can show that you’re a person outside of being a parent and that it is perfectly fine to dedicate time and energy to your hobbies, interests and passions outside of motherhood.


You have plenty of options to choose from in this regard. For example, if you’ve always loved writing and want to share your thoughts and opinions with others, you could start your own blog. Over time, this could serve as an additional source of income, which is great news if your finances have taken a hit. 


Exercise more often.

Whether you prefer to go for a long morning walk or participate in team sports, exercise is another fantastic way to start to feel more like yourself again after having a new baby. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, it can help to facilitate a healthy weight loss, which will increase your self-esteem and body confidence quite considerably. 


Furthermore, exercising triggers the release of mood-lifting endorphins, such as serotonin, which means it can help you fight off brain fog and negative thoughts. This means that you’ll feel much happier each day! 


Ask for help when you need it.

There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it, even if you may feel that way. Furthermore, your friends and family are likely jumping at the chance to spend time with you during this time, so don’t be afraid to reach out. 


Don’t be afraid to be as specific as possible when it comes to asking for the kind of help you need. For example, it could be that you need help keeping your home in good order or preparing meals for the week so that you’ve always got food to eat. Alternatively, you may want nothing more than a quick chat so that you can vent about how you are feeling. 


Join a support group for parents.

Joining a support group for new moms or parents can also prove to be beneficial during this time. This is because you’ll be given the chance to interact with people in the exact same situation as you. This means that they, too, will understand the highs and lows of being a new parent, and you’ll be able to talk openly about how you are feeling without fear of judgment. They may also be able to provide you with practical tips and advice that you can follow.


Furthermore, these spaces are the perfect place to make mom friends for life. After all, as your kids are a similar age, you can host playdates together for years to come. 


Try to get as much sleep as you can.

While sleep deprivation is often part of being a new parent, it is crucial that you get as much as sleep as you can during this time. Otherwise, you’ll become rundown, and even the smallest of challenges will feel impossible to surpass. You could also put yourself at risk of becoming seriously ill.


Fortunately, there are many steps that you can take to get better sleep as a parent of a newborn. For example, you could try the age-old trick of taking a nap whenever your baby is napping. This way, if they are in and out of sleep throughout the night, you’ve already got some shut-eye. Alternatively, you may want to agree to sleep in shifts with your partner, meaning that a different person gets up with the child each night while the other catches up on some much-needed rest. 


Be patient.

Sometimes, it can take a while to start to feel like yourself again after having a baby. While this can be frustrating, it is important to remember that this is a slow process, but by making an effort to take good care of yourself, you’ll soon get back into the groove of things. 


Final thoughts.

It is normal to deal with feelings of low confidence after having a baby. In fact, this is something that the majority of parents deal with, even if they are not willing to admit it openly. 


After all, a lot is changing in your life, which can sometimes leave you feeling lost. As such, it is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with you if you’re struggling during this time and that you’re not a bad parent if you feel this way.


Furthermore, there are plenty of steps that you can take to get your groove back. From developing a self-care and exercise routine to carving out some time in your routine for yourself, following the guidance listed above will help you start to feel like yourself again. In doing so, you can begin to enjoy all of the wonders of welcoming a child into the world! 


However, if you only take one thing away from this article, let it be this: you are the best possible parent you can be. By showing up for yourself right now, you’re allowing yourself to better care for your child and ensure that all of their needs are met. As such, while you may find it ‘selfish’ to put your needs first from time to time, it is sometimes essential.