Managing Customer Relationships in Your Home Based Business

If you've ever run your own home based business or you've ever considered it, but you don't know where to begin, you need to know that there are plenty of benefits to taking the leap. Every business, and any business is a risk. But a home based business especially is one that takes less risk than one in an office. The main reason for this is the money that you save in overheads. A home based business allows you flexibility and the ability to work from the comfort of your own space. But there are still things that you have to manage that big businesses in giant office blocks have to manage, and one of those things is customers. There are plenty of benefits to running your own business from home, but one of the challenges is interacting with and managing your customer relationships. 


It's not always easy to separate your personal life from your work life, and when both things are happening in the same place, you have to find as many strategies as possible to stay focused and organised.It's critical for your long term success to be able to do this. You have to do everything from building a website that is rich in authoritative content, to finding the best chatbot for website pages to help you to manage customer expectations. If you're ready to learn how to start a home based business, you're in the right place, but more than anything, you need to learn how to manage those customer relationships and we're going to talk you through those as well. 

Image source: Pexels

  1. Start by finding your niche. When you start out with a home based business, especially if you're doing this after you've had a baby, you need to identify what your passion is. Sometimes motherhood or parenthood, depending on how you identify, can make you change what your passions are. Either way, customers should be a part of that passion project. When you think about what you love doing and what you're good at doing, you need to put those things together. Any day that you're doing what you love is a day that doesn't feel like work. You'll be able to make this work much more enjoyable and increase the likelihood of success if you are motivated to put that effort in. When it comes to managing customer relationships in your home based business, it's also so much easier to manage those relationships if you are passionate about what you're doing because you will be happy to talk about it. Customers will want to see you as an authority in what you're doing, so finding your niche is the first step.
  2. Write a solid business plan. You need to have a solid business plan to ensure your success, and setting realistic goals in that plan is critical to determining how your business is going to go. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. These SMART goals are essential when starting a home based business, especially if you're balancing your home based business around a new baby or an existing pool of children, you need to be realistic with your goals because you need to be able to balance everything and that includes balancing your customer relationships. How do you plan to do that if you have children around the house? When do you plan to segment out time to talk to your customers? Well, this is one of the reasons that most people turn to live chat bots because they'll be able to manage their customer.And queries without having to worry about background noise.
  3. Start building a good online presence. If you have a website that is rich in video and written content that your customers can relate to, you're going to be off to a very good start. One of the things you might want to spend time doing before you actually officially launch your business is writing enough content that can answer as many questions as possible while showing that you are an authority in what you do.If your home based business surrounds baking, you could do video showing your process without giving away ingredients. Of course you could do videos to show your thought process with how you manage your customers and how you speak to them. It's so important that you are doing something that makes you feel alive and rich, but you need to be able to do something that builds an online presence that people really want to. The way you put yourself forward online is also going to shine through in the chat bot that you choose to engage with. Knowing that your customers are going to have their questions answered as much as possible before they turn to a live agent is so important, especially if you're the only one working. This usually is the case at the very beginning of a business, especially a work from home business. So you need to get that in a row before you get started.
  4. Start learning how to manage your time. Working from home requires you to have effective time management skills to ensure that you maintain your work life balance and your productivity. This is one of the best reasons to have a chat bot. Knowing that all of the customers questions can be answered so you can continue to balance your mornings. It's so important that chatbots are available around the clock no matter what time. Day or night, a customer has a question they can still ask somebody and that chatbot can be preloaded with all of the knowledge that you have to be able to answer. Managing your time effectively means setting good daily routines and creating yourself a schedule with specific work hours and breaks. This will help to keep you on track with your home based business. Establishing this routine early can help you to avoid any distractions and be productive in your workflow. 


  1. Develop some killer networking skills. If you want to manage your customer relationships properly when you're working from home, then you need to build relationships with your customers as these are crucial for your success. Taking the time to understand their needs, provide personalized attention to foster trust, and make sure that you are feeling like they are loyal to you is important. To do this, you must keep communication open and consistent to meet their expectations while delivering exceptional service. Networking is one of the building blocks of business, and if you're not networking, you're doing something wrong.
  2. Make sure that your customer service is top notch. It is super important that you are working with your customers and that means understanding what it is that they want from you in the first place. As a home based business owner, you won't always be face to face with your customers, but you do need to have processes in place to make sure that your customer service is exactly where it should be. From live chat bots that can offer as much information as possible to having either you or somebody else answer the phone. As a human being, to speak to customers, you need to show them that they can trust you and what you are doing for them. Providing excellent customer service is the way to do this.
  3. Invest in the right customer relationship management tools. This investment can help you to streamline your customer interactions, manage your data and track interactions as well personalizing your communications based on the individual's preferences. Using CRM software for your home based business is going to help. It allows you to optimize customer service processes and offer more. Experience for your clients, which is exactly what you should be offering. Excellent customer service is all about resolving issues and using the right tools and investing your money in the right places can help you to do that. You want to create positive experiences that keep your customers returning to your home based business.
  4. Adapt, change and lean into the trends. Staying ahead of industry trends when it comes to your home based business is important. The world is evolving very quickly, so monitoring those market changes and consumer behaviors will help you to make better, more informed decisions. It will also allow you to adapt your business strategies accordingly. Whether it's about new technology or shifting your customer preferences, you can stay informed and this will help you to remain competitive and relevant in your niche. When you keep up with industry trends, you are able to attend conferences and webinars that allow you to see what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.


When you start your own home based business, you need to learn very quickly that your customers are your bread and butter. If you don't pay attention to your customers, you're going to struggle.