Seven Ways To Make Your Home More Luxurious

To renovate or to move houses? The answer is pretty simple. Moving houses can be a tedious chore and require a lump-sum investment. On the other hand, renovating your house and making it more luxurious can be easier than you think and a fruitful investment down the road.

But when thinking of luxurious homes and lifestyles, most Americans visualize living in a giant beachfront house in California or Florida. That's a good visualization; hip and happening cities like Miami and Tampa in Florida have a reputation for expensive living. The average cost of a house in Tampa Bay is $391,000, which is 40k above the national average. If you're living in the area and want to add more luxe to your home, here are some ideas to help you get started:

Plan your budget

Luxury on A Budget—Is It Even Possible? Yes, it is; luxury doesn't always have to entail expensive decorations. Making your house look and feel luxurious can be easily done on a budget. Just ensure that before deciding to move forward with your plan, you create a realistic budget and try to stick to it. Wavering off from the budget is always an option if you have the money.

Remodel the bathrooms

Have your shower thoughts ever been interrupted by low-pressure water flow? Or, in an even worse situation, is your drainage unexpectedly clogging up? Well, this is your sign to remodel your bathroom and make it luxurious.

Bathroom renovations can cost you between $6,500 and $37,500 in Tampa Bay, so you have quite a few options to play with. You can keep the cost low and opt for a fine, minimalistic design that looks chic and expensive, or go all out and splurge on luxury fittings to achieve the same results. Look up contractors offering bathroom renovations in your area. Luxury Bath of Tampa Bay is a frequently recommended service provider popular among the local community.

Splurge on furniture

It is time to remove that old dresser and the cupboard with the chipped wood. Luxury in the 21st century is all about a simple design with a modern touch. Replace your old sofas with a new set, invest in a new coffee table, get a creative bookshelf, or maybe get an accent chair to make your living room elegant.

However, do not overdo it when adding new furniture to your home. Breathing space is essential and should be kept in mind. Homeowners like to visit Schots Home Emporium to see a wide range of stylish yet functional furniture pieces that complement any space. Thoughtfully selected items can enhance a room’s aesthetic without making it feel cluttered or overwhelming.

Add a feature wall

A feature wall can make the house look chic. Pick out a wall in the main living space of your house that has the most potential and jazz it up.

If you are creative, it is time for you to pick up your brushes and paint a mural on the wall. However, if painting is not your forte, getting a mural framed for the feature wall is an excellent idea. You can also create a rustic stone accent wall to give your house a luxurious feel.

But if you feel like spending a lot of money, hire a professional artist to come up with something that's unique for the space.

Choose the right decorations

Decorations can turn a tired-looking house into a luxurious one. Light up some scented candles, get that vanity mirror you have been contemplating, and witness your house give off luxurious vibes. Or if you prefer greenery around the house, getting house plants is a brilliant idea.

Focus on good lighting Lighting helps create the right mood. If your home isn't properly lit, it'll look dark and gloomy, which is not the look you want to go for when creating a lux ambiance. Instead, work with different light sources that help create a warm ambiance and highlight features in the décor and structure that look expensive.

Task and ambient lights complement contemporary design. You can also get expensive lamps to uplift your décor and lighting simultaneously. Statement chandeliers can instantly transform a boring space into something more luxurious. Last but not least, install warm white lights instead of blue ones. The latter aren't just harsh on the eyes, they're also more tacky than luxurious.

Update the kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home, and you are most likely to start your day by making breakfast in it. Hence, a luxurious kitchen with ample space and lighting is the key. Invest in a statement island to elevate the whole layout of the kitchen. You can also choose a modern-looking slab style to make the kitchen countertop look amazing. Use wood in the kitchen for a modern look.

Keeping it minimalist is the key. Kitchens are undoubtedly the most cluttered spaces; keeping the layout simple but modern is the key to a luxurious kitchen.

Add a fireplace

While Tampa Bay is warm for the better part of the year and winters don't get chilly, many homes do, in fact, have a fireplace. A fireplace is a great way to make your living space look expensive. An electric fireplace should be your go-to option if you are going for a luxurious interior, but a gas fireplace can also add a rustic design element to an otherwise contemporary layout.


Renovating your home can transform a tired-looking space into a luxurious, comfy one. Sure, the higher the budget, the more luxurious your house will look. However, you need more budget to make small changes here and there. Even minor changes can majorly transform a house. Hence, bring out your creative side to achieve the house of your dreams.