Tips On Choosing The Right Children's Book

It is not just about honing the habit of reading but teaching them skills to carry forward!

Bedtime stories might be monotonous and regular, but they also have beautiful life lessons hidden within the words. Whether it is the good characters winning over the bad or understanding the difficulties of life even as a child, it is the moral that makes us remember our childhood storytime so fondly.

Planning to start a nightly storytime routine? But you don’t know which kind of children’s literature to start with? Well, you have reached the right place.

A children’s book should first and foremost be understandable to the child, and most importantly, it should be fun!

After all, you wouldn’t want a storytime session to be so monotonous that it takes the fun out of reading. Would you sit for a boring story session?

Among all the new literature and the dizzying amount of classic choices, it could be difficult for children to pick their very first-ever book!

In this excerpt below, we will give you some of the best qualities to look for when choosing a children's book.

Choosing The Right First Book For Your Child

Whether it is to dive into the fantasy world or a simple story just about another fellow kid, parents, we have got this covered!

1. Something Relatable For Their Lonely Hearts

Yes, they might have playdates and playground visits, but children do find solace in relatable characters from their favorite stories. For them to see just another kid fighting evil or getting everything they dreamed of becomes an inspiration.

They keep going back to the stories whose characters they can relate to the most. So, if you are planning to get their first book, read a few with strong main characters and see which one they love the most.

2. A Story That Sticks

There is no point in reading mindless stories which do not fulfill a purpose. Not for anyone.

Thus, whatever you read to your kids, there should be something to reflect upon by the end of the story, whether it is to always choose to be good or wake up early in the morning and start their day.

The bottom line is to learn a life lesson that they carry forward for the rest of their lives (even to their kids).

Bonus if you can find something they would love to read again and again!

Check some of the online monthly book club for kids and go through some of their choices of children's literature to get a heads up.

3. Big Texts Is Equal To Comprehension

Simplicity is perfect for a kid whose mind is still in its developmental stage. So as parents, we should focus less on polishing their vocabulary so early and more on trying books with simpler words.

Yes, they will definitely ask when they do not understand a word, but every term shouldn’t go over their head. That is a catalyst for losing interest.

Big texts and simple words are the way to go!

4. Books Which Make Reading Aloud An Exercise

Assuming that you will begin by reading to the children aloud, getting books that can help bring the characters to life with accents and voice changes is great.

We all know how an activity, with even a hint of monotony, can immediately make our children recoil. Therefore, children’s libraries should have books with bizarre characters, rhymes, and the rhythms of sing-songs.

Basically, anything to entertain them through each and every verse!

5. Illustration Is The Key

Just texts will not do, no matter how great the story is!

Think about it; their imagination is just at its initial stage. So help them with beautifully illustrated books.

The vibrancy will excite them to read more, and seeing the visual representation of the characters will wake their imagination and curiosity. Everything you wish to achieve from the storytime session!

6. Ask Your Kid

Finally, your children’s library wouldn’t be complete if you only think about your likes. Even if they have never read a single story, why not give them the choice?

You can make a day of a parent-child bond out of it. Take them to the nearby bookstore as a part of an adventure and encourage them to pick two books.

Yes, they will pick a book based on the degree of attractiveness of the cover. So, why not give them a little summary of the story they picked?

Join Them In The Adventure!

Your first baby’s storytime experience is not restricted to them. It also marks a new milestone for you as a parent.

You get to understand how your parents felt when they narrated a new story every day before bedtime without fail!

The beauty of being a parent and the sweet (totally worth it) exhaustion that comes along with it!

So, make it your mission to find the best fictional adventures for your little ones.