Traveling With a Baby? Here Are 5 Car Essentials To Bring

Are you traveling with a baby? As first-time parents, bringing your baby on a trip is a challenge many fear. It fills first-time parents with anxiety; will their child be safe, and comfortable and will they make a fuss? 


It’s normal to be nervous; you aren’t alone in this! Many parents have the same anxieties; it’s the path of being a new parent. Before your trip, calm your nerves and be sure to list down these items on your next shopping list. These items are an absolute must when it comes to a road trip!


Car Seat & Additions

Did you know that there’s a car seat that’s perfect for infancy through to eight years old? It’s called the Ascend 0-8 car seat, and you can use it as soon as you leave the hospital until your child turns eight. It’s the perfect car seat to ensure that your child is safe and comfortable throughout the car ride. It’s hard to go on a trip with a fussy child, so ensuring their comfort can let the parents have a calm and fun trip. 


Furthermore, it would also be a great idea if you brought car seat additions. Toy strips are a great way to entertain your kids and keep them curious. You can make it a fun trip for your kids, and it’s also convenient! Be sure that you use a mirror or a car seat monitor. This allows you to check up on your little one throughout the trip, which is a must! 


Portable Nappy Pad

You never know what will happen while you’re on the road and if the place you’re going to stop over would have a sanitary bathroom changing station. A portable nappy pad ensures you won’t lay your infant in a possibly dirty changing station. Be sure to purchase a pad that’s washable and durable, especially if you plan on bringing your child on road trips in the future. 


If it fits, you could include this item in your baby’s nappy bag. Most bags can be worn as a backpack, making it easier for parents to carry the child and the bag. 


Travel Breast Pump

Does your child drink breast milk? If so, you might need this item since you need to keep up with your supply. A portable breast pump enables your child to have breast milk still, even if you’re away on a trip. It’s so your breast milk won’t go to waste too. There are also great items on the market that can pump on the go for a shorter period. You can save up on time with this item! 


First Aid Kit

In general, a first aid kit is a must in every car. However, it’s much more essential when you have a baby in the car. Dedicate a first aid kit for your child. Make a separate kit for your child and for the adults. 


Fill it with items approved for infant care, e.g., baby thermometer, baby brush, baby nail clippers, baby gas drops, etc. It would also be beneficial as parents if you had the following items:


  • Cotton balls
  • Medicine dropper
  • Nasal aspirator
  • Saline nasal drops
  • Band-aids
  • Tweezers
  • toothbrush for infants
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Paracetamol for infants
  • Vaseline Petroleum jelly


When purchasing these items, ensure that it’s safe for your child. Indeed, a first aid kit is essential whenever your child feels unwell, helpless, or injured. When your kit is filled with necessary items, you won’t have to scramble to find the above items since it’s just within reach. 


Backseat Organiser

A road trip isn’t possible without a backseat organizer! When taking care of a baby (even a toddler), there are numerous things you would have to prepare. A backseat organizer can help you organize the things in your travel bag


You might not need a travel bag altogether with this organizer. When you’re in a hurry and need to tend to your kid’s nappy, it would be a hassle to go through a travel bag instead of just taking an item out of an organizer.


What can you place in a backseat organizer? You can place anything you’d need on a road trip, e.g., sippy cups, snacks, soft books, nappies, toys, teethers, milk or water bottles, etc. When looking for an organizer, look for a durable material with a mesh material so you can easily locate what you need.  


Final Thoughts

Once you gather all the necessary tools for a road trip with a baby, you can easily calm your nerves. Being a parent entails being prepared for anything, just like your parents were when you were an infant up to a teenager. 


Replace your anxiousness with preparedness and bring the things mentioned above on your road trip. Ensure these items, especially the first aid kit and backseat organizer, are within hand’s reach. It’s to ensure you can save time while tending to your infant.