Why a Gluten-Free Lifestyle is Ideal For Your Kids

New diets are constantly being given attention and recognition as the newest way to improve health and appearance. While some of them can be considered simply fads, there is lasting appeal and benefits for others, such as a gluten-free diet. For those that can’t tolerate eating gluten, removing it from their diet can have profound effects. Find out what gluten is and why you may want to eliminate it from your child’s diet and your own. What Foods Contain Gluten?Gluten is a type of protein that is found in grains. Some people, such as those diagnosed with Celiac Disease, have an immune response to consuming gluten that causes uncomfortable side effects. You are wondering, what has gluten in it? Many foods contain this protein, even some that you wouldn’t expect:
Other products such as shampoo can also include gluten. It’s essential that you read your labels and choose your foods and products carefully to avoid any distress. What Are the Common Side Effects of Gluten Sensitivity?Gluten can have a powerful effect on people. You don’t have to have Celiac Disease to be affected. A lot of people have a sensitivity to certain foods that can’t be discovered through normal means of testing. Sometimes you need to try an elimination diet to discover if a food is causing you problems. You can get the help of a dietician for this step so you know exactly how to approach this method and what to be on the lookout for. It’s important that you pay close attention to your child’s health and reactions to foods. The sooner you identify a problem, the faster and easier it will be to find a solution. Some of the top complaints of those who suffer from gluten intolerance or sensitivity include stomach distress like diarrhea, gas, bloating, and constipation. Other signs to watch out for are brain fog, headaches, dizziness, joint pain, or rashes. Common illnesses and temporary stomach upsets can cause your child to experience similar symptoms to those of gluten intolerance. The key is to watch for long-term appearance of these signs. Are they consistently present? Are they getting more severe over time? If so, it may be time to see a doctor and look into the root cause. Can Gluten Impact My Child’s Health?Gluten can trigger an autoimmune in some people that targets the small intestine. The damage done to the intestines prevents your child from getting the nutrients they need to grow strong. You may notice sudden changes in your child’s weight. Gluten intolerance or sensitivity can do much more than cause uncomfortable symptoms. When left untreated, it can lead to more serious problems such as thyroid issues or even lymphoma. Monitor your child’s behavior and reactions after eating certain foods. Even if they aren’t diagnosed with Celiac Disease, they could feel much better by removing gluten from their diet if they are sensitive to it. Keep a food journal to record each meal and note down any side effects afterwards. Finding the patterns will help you to recognize what foods are causing the problems. There is no cure for Celiac Disease or pharmaceutical treatment for gluten sensitivity. If gluten affects your child in a negative way, the only way to see results is with dietary changes. When you begin to modify your child’s diet, you must pay close attention so that they still get the number of calories they require each day. Focus on healthy foods that will provide a quality source of energy and keep them feeling full. ConclusionMany people find significant relief of their bothersome symptoms by eliminating gluten from their diet. If you suspect that your child may have a gluten intolerance, then get them tested. You can help them to manage their diet and find gluten-free alternatives so they develop a healthy way of eating. Starting out while they are young can make the transition easier, and prevent years of discomfort. |