5 Tips for Raising Eco-Conscious Kids

In today's world, having an eco-conscious mindset and taking action are some of the most important things you can do.
When you're a parent, you have even more of an opportunity to contribute to the greater good of the environment by educating your children. All that's needed is a little nudge to get them headed in the right direction. Here are five tips for raising eco-conscious kids.
- Provide the Right Resources
Your child's education is formed in many ways, whether it comes from traditional lessons, time spent at home, and everything that happens in between. However, you can't always rely on these sources when it comes to focusing on eco-friendly topics. Chances are you'll need to be proactive and make them a part of your child's learning journey.
Knowing where to look is the biggest piece of the puzzle. Fortunately, there are many avenues your children can pursue to ensure their exposure is adequate and rich as well. For example, this could be done by incorporating deforestation lesson plans into your homeschooling or after-school schedule or signing up for youth conservation programs.
- Prioritize Time in Nature
Spending time outdoors is another must-do for raising eco-friendly kids. It's also one of the simplest things out there.
Every minute spent in nature is an opportunity to learn and explore. It's also the ideal time to explain the classic rules of the outdoors, such as pack-in-pack-out, fire safety, and respect for plants and wildlife.
Time outdoors can also spark interest in bigger ventures as well. Maybe all the time spent digging for worms will lead to a career in soil conservation, or maybe those early years of working for the Forest Service will lead to a career as a National Parks ranger.
- Foster Eco-Friendly Habits
When you think about the rhythm of your home, how eco-friendly is it? Are there areas you know could use some improvement? Even if you're already doing a lot, remember that there's always something more you can do.
These things can be more traditional, such as reducing water and electricity usage or replacing outdated light or plumbing fixtures. Or, you might decide to update appliances that aren't operating efficiently.
Another easy way to create an eco-friendlier home environment is to switch your cleaning and other home care supplies to non-toxic options, many of which you can make yourself with everyday pantry staples. Not only are these better for the environment, but they're also healthier for your family as well.
Don't forget to explain to your children the Why behind these changes. This is an excellent learning opportunity for them and will be invaluable for solid decision-making down the road.
- Get Out There
Your home's environment matters. Habits, routines, and values have an incredible impact on your kids. Why not make eco-friendly family activities a regular part of your days?
There are so many ways to get involved. No matter what the capacity, exposing your children to community-wide green-up efforts, fundraising events, or attending gatherings in support of causes you feel strongly about will all go a long way in establishing this strong foundation.
- Focus on Simplicity
When was the last time you slowed down? Are your children content? Do they have what they need without being bogged down by extras? Are the younger ones able to play independently, while the older ones can follow their interests with a clear vision?
Something to remember about an eco-friendly lifestyle is the simplicity that naturally comes with it. With it, less equals more. Less clutter, less consumption, less waste. This leads to more mindful behaviors and more stability, which are both large parts of boosting independence, creativity, and motivation.
Final Thoughts
Raising eco-friendly children is a lifestyle. It's also a family affair, one that presents countless opportunities for learning and growth.