5 Ways To Take Care of Yourself as a New Mom

If you've recently welcomed a new little one into your family, congratulations! Parenthood is often described as both the most challenging and the most rewarding job out there. It's important to remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your child. How can you best do that? Here are five ways. If you've recently welcomed a new little one into your family, congratulations! Parenthood is often described as both the most challenging and the most rewarding job out there. It's important to remember to take care of yourself so you can take care of your child. How can you best do that? Here are five ways. Additionally, if you're in need of dental implants in newmarket on, consider scheduling a consultation with our experienced dental professionals to ensure your oral health is well-maintained amidst the demands of parenthood.
Start With Proper Nutrition
It's easy to forget about your own needs while caring for a newborn, but it's important that you maintain a healthy, nutritious lifestyle — whether you're breastfeeding or not. The right diet — consisting of plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats — can fuel you through every feeding, diapering, and burping session. To complement your healthy eating routine, try adding the Thrive patch, a transdermal patch that delivers vitamins and nutrients through your skin and helps with weight management.
Get Enough Sleep
It can be difficult when your baby wakes every couple of hours hungry but try to get restful sleep when you can. While the advice to "sleep when baby sleeps" is often well-intentioned, it can also feel a bit unrealistic. However, it's worth giving it a try, especially if you have a partner, friend, or relative who can help you with chores and baby-caring tasks in the first few weeks after birth.
Use a Delivery Meal Kit Service
If you've thought about trying a meal kit service but haven't yet taken the plunge, now is a great time to do so. Not only do meal kits take the guesswork out of what's for dinner, but they also give you everything you need to prepare the meal delivered straight to your door, saving you a trip to the grocery store.
Venture Outside With Your Little One
Getting outside is proven to provide a mood boost as well as vitamin D, an important nutrient for immunity and overall health. Consider wearing your newborn or tucking your babe into a stroller to give both of you the opportunity for a much-needed mid-day break. Fussy babies often find themselves calmed to sleep during a stroll or happily distracted by the many new sights to see outside the front door. This activity can also give you some gentle exercise that is so appropriate during the postpartum period. Your body just accomplished an amazing feat; there's no need to bust out the jogging stroller just yet!
Pamper Yourself
When you have a newborn, the earliest weeks of life often consist of plenty of sweet infant sleep. Cherish it! Use this time to focus on self-care. Recline with your baby and binge your favorite TV show or catch up on podcasts. Try an epsom salt bath once your doctor gives you the go-ahead. (It's especially important to check with your health provider if you had a C-section or other complications.) Try a soothing lotion and be sure to put your feet up, especially if you're dealing with postpartum ankle swelling — which is quite normal!
Keep All Postpartum Appointments
After your baby is born, it may feel like your OB's role is over. This isn't true, though! It's important to see your doctor at regular intervals postpartum so he or she can see that your physical recovery is going well and also check in about your mental and emotional health. Postpartum depression is a common condition that you don't need to suffer with — treatments are available. Your clinic will likely screen for PPD when your baby is around six weeks old. Now is also the time to let your OB know if you need any additional support. Lactation consultants and sleep experts are there to help, and your doctor can provide you with resources for getting the support you need.
Connect With Other Mamas
In addition to professional support, get connected with other new moms for personal support and friendship, too. Parenting can feel lonely, but by seeking out connection, the journey is sure to go more smoothly.
Remember that taking care of your needs isn't selfish. In fact, it helps you to be an even better parent.