How Spending Time Outdoors Can Improve Your Baby's Sleep

One of the most common problems new parents face is getting their baby to sleep through the night. Many things can help babies sleep better, including singing to them, playing music, swaddling the baby, and so on. However, you might be surprised to know that spending time outdoors can improve your baby’s sleep just as much. Although these effects aren’t instant, when some time passes, you’ll see that your baby stays asleep longer without waking up during the night.
Spending time outdoors can improve your baby’s health
Because the outdoor air is much better, spending time outdoors can benefit anyone with allergies or respiratory problems. Try to go outside in nature, not the busy city center, as the air is best there. Experts from provide guides to several cities you can visit with your baby and spend more time outdoors. Taking your baby out in the sun can lower the chances of a vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin is essential and helps the immune system. It can make a big difference in the baby’s sleep, as it helps them regulate their sleep cycle.
What weather should parents be wary of?
How long you’ll be out with your baby depends on the weather. Babies are much more sensitive to temperature than we are, so it’s essential to be cautious when going outside. Check the weather before you go outside because being in the sun during high temperatures can be dangerous. Sunshades on strollers can help immensely during the summertime. Remember to put sunscreen on your baby as well. If it’s cold outside, dress your baby well with mittens and a hat for a short stroll around the neighborhood. There’s a common misconception that babies get sick from the cold, and although cold temperatures can be dangerous, the primary cause of sickness is viruses.
What are the best places to go with babies?
The more people around your child, the higher the chances of them catching a disease. With people sneezing and coughing in public, it can be dangerous for a young child to go to places with many people. Not to mention that babies are the center of attention, and many people will want to say hi and get close to them. So, to prevent your baby from catching a virus, it’s best to avoid places with a large crowd.
In addition, to prevent your child from damaging their ears, stay away from areas with a large amount of noise. Go on a family trip to the woods or the local park to give your child the opportunity to learn more about their surroundings. You can even plan a picnic and go together with other family members. Take them to the playground so they can see older children playing, or swing them in case there are baby-sized swings on the playground.
You will sleep better too
It can be difficult for new parents to get enough sleep. Babies can sleep only for a few hours without waking up at night. Therefore, it can take the parents some time to fall back asleep once the baby does. But, if you can improve your baby’s sleep schedule, you will sleep better too. You won’t have to wake up during the night as much as you used to, and you will be able to get a good night’s sleep. So, going outside with your baby will make the whole family sleep much better.
Buy a stroller that your baby can nap in to improve your baby's sleep
Your baby can even sleep outdoors
In many cultures, it is common for babies to sleep outside. You can also do this in several different and safe ways. When it’s nap time, you can take your baby to the park or spend time together in your backyard during naptime. That is good practice, as it will make you as a parent go outside more too. Moreover, Austin has some excellent places for going outside that nature lovers would recommend you to visit with your baby. However, you should be careful when choosing the stroller. You’d be surprised to learn that not all strollers are nap-friendly. Therefore, buy one that is designated for babies to nap in. These usually have a firm surface, considered the best type for babies to sleep on.
Improve your baby’s sleep and mental health by being outdoors
Spending time outside with your baby will make you both happier in the long run. They can experience so many different things outdoors compared to staying all the time indoors. They will feel calmer and have many different things grabbing their attention and helping them learn. Also, hearing other people talk will help them later on, when they start talking.
You can go on a simple hike or plan a picnic to go outside with your baby
Outdoor activities for babies
Being with your baby outside doesn’t have to be just for naptime or walking. You can go with your family to have a meal together outdoors. If you have older children, buy a kite that they can fly to entertain your baby. Buy some toys that can be easily washed and let them play on the picnic blanket. If your baby is just learning to walk, this is an excellent opportunity to practice those walking skills. Being in different surroundings will motivate them better too. For instance, go to the beach for a fun summer day. Just be careful to follow safety measures to protect your baby from the sun. Having your baby engage in activities and release energy will make them fall asleep faster once you get home.
Final thoughts
If you follow this advice carefully, you will notice many changes in your child’s sleep cycle. They will not wake up as often as they do now; therefore, you will sleep much better too. From going on a simple stroll around the block to planning a family picnic in the woods, these experiences will benefit your baby. After some time, you will notice that spending time outdoors truly can improve your baby’s sleep.
Meta: Is your baby struggling to sleep through the night? Find out from our article how spending more time outdoors can improve your baby's sleep.